Title: See Through Heart
Author: Amie Knight
Genre: New Adult
Release Date: November 7, 2016
Ainsley came into my life in a flurry of vibrant colors, lighting my world up when all seemed lost.
It wasn’t our quiet nights by the creek or stolen kisses surrounded by a sea of cotton that saved me.
It was her.
She was my comfort when life threw one ugly tragedy after another at me.
Until she dealt me the greatest blow.
Now, abandonment, betrayal, and death darken every corner of my life. Anger and hurt burn bright where love and trust once lived.
But, now, she’s back. Sure, she’s changed, but I see through it—straight to her heart.
It wasn’t our quiet nights by the creek or stolen kisses surrounded by a sea of cotton that saved me.
It was her.
She was my comfort when life threw one ugly tragedy after another at me.
Until she dealt me the greatest blow.
Now, abandonment, betrayal, and death darken every corner of my life. Anger and hurt burn bright where love and trust once lived.
But, now, she’s back. Sure, she’s changed, but I see through it—straight to her heart.
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