Title: The Wrong Sister
Series: Simm Brothers Duet #1
Author: Drea Braddock
Genre: Spicy Romantic Comedy
Release Date: August 29, 2022
back home on O‘ahu after years away at school. I’ve got my best friend
and my sister close by and my childhood dream job working for child
welfare services! All my hard work has paid off and I have everything I
need right here.
I don’t need is my childhood dream guy, the literal boy next door, my
best friend’s freaking brother, showing up as the lawyer I have to work
with. Especially not looking as good as he does while suddenly looking
at me like I’m a woman instead of some bratty kid!
may be all grown up, but at his core, he’s still the careful, dutiful
guy who never saw me, but felt our families expected him to pursue my
older sister. What’s the point of instant red-hot chemistry and shared
passions if I’m always going to be the second choice? I’m woman enough
to fight for what I want, but just once I’d like to be the one worth
fighting for.
What will it take to show him that I'm not the wrong sister?
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