Title: Retribution (Outliers Saga, 3)
Author: Kate L Mary
Genre: Adult Dystopian
Publisher: Twisted Press
Editor: Lori Whitwam
Publication Date: November 9th, 2018
With the Outliers united and the Fortis eliminated, Indra thought she was nearing the end of her journey. Instead, Asa went into the city only to be captured and the Sovereign decided to unleash the full power of their technology.
Now, bleeding and separated from her husband, facing a traitor and an uncertain future, Indra finds herself wondering if she united the Outlier tribes simply so the Sovereign could destroy them more effectively.
With vile characters, brutal conditions, and vicious creatures, the final chapter in the Outliers Saga will take readers on an unforgettable journey. Follow Asa and Indra as they fight to start a life together while facing impossible choices that will test their limits and show them what sacrifice, forgiveness, and love really mean.
Buy Links
Outliers (Outliers Saga #1): http://amzn.to/2nN7zwC
Uprising (Outliers Saga #2): https://amzn.to/2E2PwYM
Retribution (Outliers Saga #3): https://amzn.to/2C2abyFAuthor Links
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Website: http://KateLMary.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/kmary0622
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zombieauthormom/
Amazon US: http://amzn.to/2FQl4m1
Newsletter: http://bit.ly/1utg3pW
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