Sunday, January 4, 2015

My Review of Lost & Found by Megan Fields

Lost and Found (Discovery Series Book 1)Lost and Found by Megan Fields
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Ella is a Mistress. She wasn’t always the dominant one but after a horrible relationship she became one with the help of a new friend. Once upon a time she was young and in love with Jack. Then his family moved away and they were torn apart. Years later Ella was in another relationship. However this one was abusive and she almost wound up dead. She meets a woman named Izzy who helped her recover and find herself again. Now that she is a Mistress she no longer lives in fear. Jack and his brother have moved back to London, they have opened a photography and art studio. When she runs into him the first time all those feelings come rushing back. She isn’t sure what to think, so she panics. Jack is determined to see if there can be anything between them again. He knows that he is still in love with her and has never stopped loving her. He tells his brother about running into her and how she ran off. Later that night while Ella and Izzy were at work they had a new Dom coming to look at the place, Ella is very surprised when the new Dom is Alex. Alex is Jack’s brother. She asks him not to tell Jack that she wants to do it in her own time in her own way, he agrees. This decision comes back to bite her in the butt later. Jack sees Alex taking her home from the club that night and then again Jack and Alex’s opening. He thinks they she and Alex are together and that is why she just wants to be friends with him. Jack comes by the next day and they talk. She tells him about her past relationship that was abusive. Jack is beside himself with anger. He lets her know that he is there for her and will be in any way she will let him be. She tells him that she will always love him, but right now she needs him as a friend. Will Ella find the courage to tell Jack about her being a Mistress, or will he find out in some other way? How will Jack react if he finds out?
I loved this book. I was steamy when it needed to be but overall more a romance to me. Ella struggled so much after the abusive relationship. She shut down basically. Izzy saw something in her the day they met. It really helped her recover by becoming a Mistress. Izzy’s character is great too. She is funny and supportive. Alex and Jack are fantastic in their own ways. Both are fiercely protective of those they love. Jack wasn’t willing to take no as an answer from Ella but he was willing to give her time. Ella was so worried about how he would react when she told him that she kept putting it off. I really love how Ella’s sister Lottie still responds to the mere presence of Alex. There is definitely a story there and I can’t wait to read it. Even though they had been apart for so long that spark or whatever you want to call it was still there and as strong as before. I can’t wait to read more of this series. Love Megan Fields and her books.

View all my reviews

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